John Staunton

PhD Students


John Staunton is a third-year graduate student currently doing research on the Trans-Planckian Censorship Conjecture. In the past, he worked on love numbers of Black holes, interstellar dust, X-ray emissions in outer regions of Dual AGNs, and infrared optics. He is most passionate about making education accessible to all. In the past, he volunteered for the Boys & Girls Club and worked as a debate coach for high school students without institutional support. Currently, he is involved with the Physics Scholars Program, which is a program he co-founded to bridge the gap between high school and college for those without a strong physics background, the institution of active learning in introductory physics recitations, and, lastly, Reading Team, which is organized by Lam Hui. He is more than happy to answer any and all questions through email at [email protected].